Key Findings From PeopleWise’s Survey: Together We Shape A Brighter Future!


Starting from March 2023, PeopleWise has carried out several activities at universities to equip the younger generation with the necessary knowledge to prepare for the job market. We conducted a survey among students (732 survey samples) at 3 universities in Vietnam. The results we found from the survey are as follows:


  • Career Indecision: A significant portion (77%) of the final year students have not yet determined their profession or job position after graduation. This indicates a need for guidance and support in terms of career exploration and decision-making.
  • Lack of Readiness: A notable percentage (22%) of the students feel that they are not ready to enter the job market. This suggests that there may be gaps in their skills, knowledge, or confidence that need to be addressed before they transition into the workforce.
  • Skills Gap: The majority (90%) of the students feel insufficiently equipped with the necessary skills for work (with a particular focus on communication skills). This highlights the importance of integrating communication skills training into educational programs to better prepare students for their future careers.
  • Demand for Career Counseling: The majority (93%) of the students expect career counseling services to assist them in job orientation and connecting with potential employers. This demonstrates a clear desire for guidance and support in navigating the job market.

Furthermore, the analysis also revealed the post-graduation plans of the students: Only 33% plan to pursue internships or apply for employment; 77% plan to further develop their skills or pursue higher qualifications, and the remaining 11% plan to study abroad.


Based on these findings, we have proactively partnered with universities to collaborate on the support we can provide. We have been connecting  with influential organizations such as the International Labour Organization (ILO) and engaged with esteemed economists . Through these collaborations, we are conducting research and striving for an effective labor structure shift in Vietnam, recognizing the need for synergy with other countries worldwide.


Our next phase involves planning and strategizing in collaboration with high schools and universities. Our goal is to guide students by providing them with a comprehensive understanding of the global economy, technological advancements, and their profound impact on workforce structures, employment opportunities, and critical skills demanded in the evolving labor market.


We consider it as PeopleWise social responsibility to empower the younger generation with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate and overcome the complexities of the modern economy. By doing so, we aspire to contribute significantly to the journey of improving and enhancing the effectiveness of the workforce. Our ultimate goal is to address the pressing issue of unemployment, not just in Vietnam but also furthermore.

Thien Huynh, Co-Founder, Advisor of PeopleWise Vietnam, with over 40 years of experience in politics and working in Labor Federation, succinctly encapsulated our mission, stating, “This is our social responsibility, and the direction in which PeopleWise Vietnam aims to contribute to the journey of improving and making the workforce more effective in solving the problem of unemployment in Vietnam and worldwide.”

Through our commitment to CSR, we strive to create a positive and lasting impact on society. PeopleWise Vietnam is dedicated to driving meaningful change by supporting and guiding the younger generation towards fulfilling career paths. By investing in their education, understanding, and awareness of the global economy and technological advancements, we aim to equip them with the necessary skills and insights to thrive in the labor market.


Join us on this transformative journey as we shape a brighter future, not only for the individuals we support but also for our society. Together, we can make a difference and forge a path towards a more sustainable future.




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