Competency-Based Interview: Why using it is so important?

Incorporating profiles with high potential into your organization is a critical aspect of recruitment. Competency-based interview is a crucial methodology and serve as an assessment tool in the talent acquisition process, aiding in the selection of candidates possessing essential qualities aligned with the company’s needs and priorities. Identifying the best-fit candidates who meet these competencies …

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The Role of Mentors in Your Career Development

In the intricate landscape of professional growth, mentorship stands out as a guiding beacon, offering invaluable support, wisdom, and opportunities. A mentorship is not just a professional relationship; it’s a transformative journey that plays a pivotal role in shaping careers and fostering personal development. This article delves into the significance of mentorship in career development, …

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Southeast Asia – The Bright Spot in The Global Economic Landscape of 2024

Economic risks and geopolitical tensions have deeply affected the global economy throughout 2023 and continue to cast a shadow over the globe into 2024. Yet, despite these ongoing challenges, Southeast Asia is anticipated to experience encouraging developments in 2024, becoming a bright spot in the global economic landscape. • Optimistic Growth Forecast After a tumultuous …

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Labor Market and Economic Growth Facing The Challenge of Population Aging

While population aging has been recognized as a longstanding concern for European and American nations, it is now emerging as a formidable challenge for populations across Asian countries, notably in the East Asia and Pacific region. According to UNFPA Vietnam, Vietnam is one of the countries with the fastest population aging rates in the world. …

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Navigating Career Transitions- Guide on How to Switch Industries

In today’s dynamic and ever-evolving job market, professionals are increasingly finding themselves at crossroads, contemplating a switch from their current industry to explore new horizons. Whether driven by a desire for personal growth, a change in passion, or the pursuit of better opportunities, making a successful transition between industries requires careful planning and strategic decision-making. …

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The Impact of Digitalization on Vietnam’s Job Market – Skills in High Demand

In recent years, Vietnam’s job market has experienced a significant transformation, driven by the rapid pace of digitalization. As the country continues to embrace technological advancements across various industries, the demand for a new set of skills has emerged. This shift is not only reshaping the landscape of employment but also highlighting the crucial need …

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Market & Recruitment Trends in the Digital Age

One of the most joyful and meaningful activities in PeopleWise Vietnam’s journey toward fulfilling our mission is engaging with the younger generation of talent and imparting practical market insights about job markets, industry trends, and future labor transitions. Commemorating a collaborative occasion with AIESEC Vietnam (Global Talent) on November 25th, Ms. Minh Huynh, the Founder …

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Managing Workforce Transformations: Enhance Your Business Reputation!

As the macroeconomic landscape constantly changes and business strategies undergo transformation to adapt, many CEOs find themselves faced with the daunting task of downsizing their workforce due to budget cuts or organizational restructuring. During these challenging decisions, both departing employees and managers experience emotional turmoil as they prepare for the transition. To facilitate this process, many …

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The Importance of Professional Networking for Career Advancement 

  In the ever-evolving landscape of the Vietnamese job market, professional networking has emerged as a pivotal tool and increase your chance for career advancement. With a rapidly growing economy and increasing international exposure, Vietnam is witnessing a surge in demand for skilled professionals across various sectors. In this context, the ability to cultivate and …

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Global Macroeconomic Trends in 2023: Bright Spots and Challenges in Asia

Within the intricate global economic landscape of 2023, a series of unique events is unfolding. Among these, it is noteworthy that the United States’ unemployment rate has reached its lowest level since 1968, and core inflation stands higher than the peak in 1983. Additionally, the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank have raised interest …

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